Beginner Babysitting Training Class
Join our babysitting training class and learn all the skills you need to take care of little ones with confidence and care! No experience needed- just enthusiasm and love for kids!
Where: High Plains Community Center
525 Orange Center Road
Orange, CT
When: February 13th, 2025
3:30-7:45 PM
Who: Anyone ages 12+
Cost: Free for Orange teens with a donation of an individually packaged snack for Orange Food2Kids
Register here:
Yoga Classes
Join us for a fun and empowering 4-week yoga series designed just for teens in Grades 7-12. Discover how yoga can help you feel grounded, energized, and ready to take on the world!
Where: High Plains Community Center
525 Orange Center Road
Orange, CT
When: Thursdays, 5:30 - 7:00 PM
1/9, 1/16, 1/23, and 1/30
Who: Anyone Grades 7-12
Cost: Free for Orange teens with a donation of an individually packaged snack for Orange Food2Kids
Register here:
Juvenile Review Board (JRB)
JRB is a community-based diversion process for youth that may otherwise be referred to the Juvenile Court for minor violations of the law.
JRB offers alternative measures like counseling, community service, or other supportive interventions, instead of a criminal record, allowing them to take responsibility for their actions while receiving support to address underlying issues; essentially providing a "second chance" for offenders.
Our Youth Advisory Board holds an application process each year and provides college scholarships at the end of the year to youth in Orange.
Home Alone
Do you believe your child is old enough to stay home alone? Have you discussed the rules of staying home alone and different plans for situations that may arise?
Things to discuss with your child:
-Important telephone numbers
-A check in time with you or your neighbor
-Neighbors or nearby relatives/family friends that they can contact
-Established rules- cooking, snacks, etc.
-and more!
Get your child into a routine when they get home:
-Have your child contact you as soon as they get home
-Teach them to lock the door as soon as they come in
-Establish snack time, homework time, and television rules
Back to School Backpack
Youth Services sponsors backpacks for youth in town for the beginning of the school year. These backpacks are filled with all sorts of supplies